by Taylor Cole Miller

about Taylor Cole Miller

Taylor Cole Miller is Academic Director of the Peabody Media Center and Assistant Professor of Entertainment and Media Studies at the University of Georgia. In addition to published pieces in several anthologies, journals, and popular press, he is currently working on two book projects: one on the history and queer potential of television syndication and the other a co-authored book on The Golden Girls and fandom.


Abstract: For decades, media scholars have theorized television programming not just as individual shows but as a flow, a carefully curated sequence of shows mingling with commercials, bumpers, teasers, hashtags, promos, scheduling, and so forth, any part of which might affect how we understand what we are watching. Using one episode of Roseanne that played on multiple different channels over the course of two decades as his case study, Taylor Cole Miller demonstrates one way of watching TV critically—dissecting the whole to grapple with the flow of its parts.