by Louisa Stein

about Louisa Stein

Louisa Stein is Associate Professor of Film and Media Culture at Middlebury College. Louisa is author of Millennial Fandom: Television Audiences in the Transmedia Age and co-editor with Allison McCracken, Alexander Cho, and Indira Neill Hoch, of A Tumblr Book, with Kristina Busse of Sherlock and Transmedia Fandom, and with Sharon Marie Ross of Teen Television: Programming and Fandom. Her work explores audience engagement in transmedia culture, with emphasis on questions of cultural and digital contexts, gender, and generation.

Gossip Girl

Abstract: While television is often thought of as a predigital mass medium distinct from online “new media,” contemporary television programs are frequently intertwined with transmedia digital contexts and practices. Louisa Stein examines Gossip Girl’s representations of digital technologies, advertising tie-ins, and online extensions to highlight how digital media functions as a central theme, a style of representation, and mode of engagement for this popular teen drama.